Light Harvest Studio
"The Illusionarium" is a critically acclaimed, immersive theatrical show onboard one of the world's largest cruise ships, The NCL "Getaway"
We were tasked with designing and installing a planetarium style Full Dome video system, the first of its kind to sail the high seas.
The dome was an integral part of the show's narration. Positioned directly above the audience, it functioned a time machine and all-seeing galactic portal that transported the audience through time and space.
With Ryan Uzilevsky acting as director of a small team of VFX artists, we produced over 14 minutes of 4k by 4k Full Dome CGI animation for the dome, as well as HD content for 12 large flat screen monitors around the theater space.
We also engineered and installed the full dome projection and playback system using a proprietary video mapping technique with the support of Pandora's Box media servers and custom DLP projectors.
The show was written and directed by Tony award nominee Patty Wilcox, and production designed by Tony award winner David Gallo.
Major challenges included creating a projection alignement system that could survive inclement weather in both the Engilsh Channel and the Caribbean Sea, and working with a multi-lingual build crew on location in Bremerhaven Germany.